Table of Content

<aside> 💡 I'm literally the most average student but I took great notes (in my opinion) but never took it seriously, don't be like me..or else ISTG..just don't. I'll link videos to how to utalize active recall after my exams because I have exams coming soon, Do better than me! Pls I'm begging you


<aside> 💡 I think you may need to export this as a mark down & CSV, make sure you include all subpages:. You'll have to click the three dots on your top right to get the export option


🙏PLEASE BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, GO THROUGH YOUR SYLLABUS!! Because you MUST KNOW what the IB wants from you. SO! Go to the "📚Other IB Stuff" by clicking on the table of content above and specifically read the text shaded in yellow. If you have any questions just message me on discord (James Moriarty#8843) or just google chat me on [email protected] (and yes I mean google chat me because I have subscribed to a few things and my emails can get clogged)

My revision notes 📒

Bio ninja (This I recommend)

Cheryl Hikman (Mostly SL Topics)

Bozeman Science

Khan Academy Biology

For HL Until I update this after exam. My syllabus checklist ☑️

IB Biology: HL only topics by Edward (As of 2021, the only syllabus for bio is the 2016 one)

Pass Papers Spreadsheet 📜

IB Biology Revision Spreadsheet

📹Biology YouTube Channels/videos/websites:

<aside> 💡 Recommend these two. Cheryl Hikman goes in depth whilst Alex Lee is more general


Cheryl Hickman

Alex Lee

Every IB Biology drawing you NEED to know